About Us


With more than 2,300 individual clematis representing 946 taxa, that is, distinct species or cultivated varieties (cultivars), the Rogerson Clematis Garden contains the most comprehensive collection of clematis within a public garden in North America. Started by Brewster Rogerson in 1971, the collection contains unique and exceptionally rare plants, as well as historic clematis and the newest hybrids. In 2018 the Rogerson Clematis Collection was awarded full accreditation in the Plant Collections Network, an initiative of the American Public Gardens Association in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Our Mission and Board

The Friends of the Rogerson Clematis Collection (FRCC) was formed in 2004 to ensure that Brewster Rogerson’s amazing collection of clematis would be maintained and nurtured over time. Since 2005, the collection has grown from a group of beautiful plants in pots to an assemblage of beautiful plants in a delightful garden.

Our mission is to preserve and foster the Rogerson Clematis Collection in its permanent home, observing the longtime objectives of assembling and maintaining as comprehensive a collection of the genus Clematis as possible for the advancement of botanical and horticultural research and education as well as the pleasure of all who visit.

The Friends group is guided by a Board of Directors.


Amy Chase Herman, President
Nancy Gronowski, Vice President
Dina Trachta, Treasurer
Peggy Wros, Recording Secretary
Colleen Keyes, Membership Secretary


Sophie Bayard, Volunteer Coordinator
Mike Bostwick
Diane Harris
Agnes Kwan
Kym Pokorny

Other Roles

Linda Beutler, Curator
Susan Toler, Site Manager
Nancy Stanton-Chek, Garden Manager
Kathy Hemphill, Librarian
Sylvia Hoffman, Bookkeeper


From a Collection to a Garden

Brewster Rogerson, founder of the collection, was first drawn to clematis because of their incredible diversity. While still a professor of English at Kansas State University, he bought four vines in 1971 and ended up spending the rest of his life acquiring varieties and species from all over the world. Over the years he became a leading expert in the genus and was a founding member of the International Clematis Society (1984), for which he wrote 100 “Clematis of the Month” articles.

In search of a climate conducive to growing as many kinds of clematis as possible, Brewster moved to Oregon in 1981. He initially settled in Eugene. Then in 1987, through the generosity of Bob Gutmann, he was able to house the collection at Gutmann Nursery in North Plains, west of Portland.

In 2005, Brewster transferred ownership of the collection to the newly-formed nonprofit Friends of the Rogerson Clematis Collection. When the collection threatened to outgrow its home at Gutmann Nursery, the Friends group was fortunate to find a home with the City of Lake Oswego at Luscher Farm, a farm-park on the outskirts of the city and part of Lake Oswego’s Parks and Recreation Department.

Brewster Rogerson remained actively involved with the collection and the garden until his health began to fail. Brewster passed away at age 94 in May 2015. His dedication and love for clematis created a legacy that is now permanently housed in a beautiful garden for all to visit and enjoy.

The Rogerson Clematis Collection is located at Luscher Farm, part of the Lake Oswego Parks and Recreation Department.