Hortlandia 2025 - HPSO Plant & Garden Art Sale
We are selling plants at this yearly event! Please see more information at Hortlandia.
We are selling plants at this yearly event! Please see more information at Hortlandia.
We are selling plants at this yearly even! Please see Hortlandia for more information.
Visit our booth at the 21st Annual Spring Garden Palooza.
Come visit us the 21st Annual Spring Bauman’s Garden Palooza.
Plant materials for this project are identical to those in the fabulous hanging baskets on our city streets. Plants, baskets, planting materials, and maintenance instructions are provided. Select from plant materials suited for sun or shade. Leave with your own beautiful creation!
Instructor: Whitman
$25 for general public, $10 for FRCC members, free for FRCC Patron and Duchess of Waverly members, plus a $35 materials fee for all attendees
Plant materials for this project are identical to those in the fabulous hanging baskets on our city streets. Plants, baskets, planting materials, and maintenance instructions are provided. Select from plant materials suited for sun or shade. Leave with your own beautiful creation!
Instructor: Whitman
$25 for general public, $10 for FRCC members, free for FRCC Patron and Duchess of Waverly members, plus a $35 materials fee for all attendees
In 2025 we celebrate the 20th anniversary of breaking ground at the Rogerson Clematis Garden.
Our Quarterly Member Events for 2025, presented by FRCC curator Linda Beutler, follow the development of the garden, ending with a cake and ice cream social on the final sales day of 2025, October 4. This will be only one of many parties to come in 2025!
The second Member Event follows the redesign and planting of the Beech Tree’s Garden as we know it now, the planning and planting of The Orchard including the Founder’s Garden, the visit of the International Clematis Society in 2010, the 40th anniversary celebration of the collection’s founding in 2011, and the vastly improved Orchard paths installed in 2012.
Registration will be open at a later date. A Zoom link will be sent out prior to the event.
Check the Spring Garden Fair website for more details.
Check the Spring Garden Fair website for more details.
Linda Beutler will be presenting the topic, “Clematis Will Rock You 2.0: clematis for rock gardens and how to propagate them.” Plant sales will be at 6:30p.m.
Linda Beutler will be presenting the topic “Don’t be Fooled by a Pretty Face: New Ways to Assess and Cultivate Clematis”
How to purchase, where and how to plant, when and with what to fertilize, and how to prune clematis are covered in this class. There will be demonstrations on planting and pruning, and time for questions and answers. Information coincides with the First Steps with Clematis handout. Shopping opportunities available after class. Age 18+
Instructor: Toler
$25 for general public, $10 for FRCC members, free for FRCC Patron and Duchess of Waverly members
Class limit 12, minimum 6. Registration closes May 15.
Registration opens April 5.
Did you know there are over three dozen heirloom roses in the Rogerson Clematis Garden (RCG)? How are they different from modern roses, and how do you prune them? Join clematis curator and rose researcher Linda Beutler for an illustrated presentation followed by a tour of the “OGRs” in the Heirloom Garden within the RCG. Prepare for a feast for the senses. Age 18+
Instructor: Beutler
$30 for general public, $15 for FRCC members, $5 for FRCC Patron and Duchess of Waverly members
Class limit 15, minimum 6. Registration opens April 5.
Linda Beutler will be discussing the topic “Coastal Clematis, Growing Tips and Container Advice”.
Linda Beutler will be making a presentation on “Clematis and Roses: How to do it!” Plant sales will be at 6p.m.
This volunteer event is an opportunity for new and regular volunteers to work together as a group to maintain the garden. Needed instructions on how to perform the activity wlll be given. Plenty of activities will be available for different abilities and interests but as much as possible we will work as a group.
We will work for 2 hours, take a break, and then continue for another 1.5 hours.
What you’ll need:
Garden-friendly clothes
Sun protection
Snack or lunch for breaktime.
If you can only attend part of the day, the morning is easier to join but we will accomodate the hours you are available to help as best as we can.
To sign up please email Sophie Bayard at frccvolunteer@gmail.com
Thank you for your support of the garden!
One of our most popular classes every year. Learn the botany and technique for successful propagation of clematis via soft and semi-hardwood cuttings. All materials are provided. We will also demonstrate how to divide clematis, easy to do and nearly instant new plants! You will leave the class with cuttings of several varieties of clematis, and the knowledge to create more from your vines at home. Shopping opportunities available after class. Age 18+
Because we prepare materials in advance, we cannot accept walk-ins.
Instructors: Beutler/Toler
$45 for general public, $30 for FRCC members, $15 for FRCC Patron and Duchess of Waverly members
Class limit 12, minimum 6. Registration opens April 5.
This class focuses on how and when to cut, condition and arrange blooms and greens from your garden. Basic principles of floral design will be taught and handouts will be provided. Attendees please bring a bud vase and clippers to create your own arrangement. Part 1 is not required as a pre-requisite.
Instructor: Whitman
$25 for general public, $10 for FRCC members, free for FRCC Patron and Duchess of Waverly members. Class limit: 10, minimum 2.
Registration opens April 5.
The times are approximate. Check back for more details.
This volunteer event is an opportunity for new and regular volunteers to work together as a group to maintain the garden. Needed instructions on how to perform the activity wlll be given. Plenty of activities will be available for different abilities and interests but as much as possible we will work as a group.
We will work for 2 hours, take a break, and then continue for another 1.5 hours.
What you’ll need:
Garden-friendly clothes
Sun protection
Snack or lunch for breaktime.
If you can only attend part of the day, the morning is easier to join but we will accomodate the hours you are available to help as best as we can.
To sign up please email Sophie Bayard at frccvolunteer@gmail.com
Thank you for your support of the garden!
The times are approximate. Check back for more details.
The times are approximate. Check back for more details.
Learn how to extend the bloom season of your clematis with easy summer pruning. You will work with both vining and non-vining varieties. All plant material provided. Please bring light-duty clippers if you have them. Meet under the Beech Tree. Shopping opportunities available after class. Age 18+
Instructor: Toler
$25 for general public, $10 for FRCC members, free for FRCC Patron and Duchess of Waverly members
Class limit 15, minimum 6. Registration opens April 5.
In 2025 we celebrate the 20th anniversary of breaking ground at the Rogerson Clematis Garden.
Our Quarterly Member Events for 2025, presented by FRCC curator Linda Beutler, follow the development of the garden, ending with a cake and ice cream social on the final sales day of 2025, October 4. This will be only one of many parties to come in 2025!
The third Member Event will take place via Zoom and onsite in the Bunkhouse classroom (which holds 30), followed by a walk-about with Linda and Q&A session about all things clematis. This presentation will cover the planting of the Modern Garden, the installation of the Antipodes area, and the second visit of the International Clematis Society.
Registration will be open at a later date. A Zoom link will be sent out prior to the meeting.
This volunteer event is an opportunity for new and regular volunteers to work together as a group to maintain the garden. Needed instructions on how to perform the activity wlll be given. Plenty of activities will be available for different abilities and interests but as much as possible we will work as a group.
We will work for 2 hours, take a break, and then continue for another 1.5 hours.
What you’ll need:
Garden-friendly clothes
Sun protection
Snack or lunch for breaktime.
If you can only attend part of the day, the morning is easier to join but we will accomodate the hours you are available to help as best as we can.
To sign up please email Sophie Bayard at frccvolunteer@gmail.com
Thank you for your support of the garden!
This is a private event. Schedule your own private tour here.
This volunteer event is an opportunity for new and regular volunteers to work together as a group to maintain the garden. Needed instructions on how to perform the activity wlll be given. Plenty of activities will be available for different abilities and interests but as much as possible we will work as a group.
We will work for 2 hours, take a break, and then continue for another 1.5 hours.
What you’ll need:
Garden-friendly clothes
Sun protection
Snack or lunch for breaktime.
If you can only attend part of the day, the morning is easier to join but we will accomodate the hours you are available to help as best as we can.
To sign up please email Sophie Bayard at frccvolunteer@gmail.com
Thank you for your support of the garden!
In 2025 we celebrate the 20th anniversary of breaking ground at the Rogerson Clematis Garden.
Our Quarterly Member Events for 2025, presented by FRCC curator Linda Beutler, follow the development of the garden, ending with a cake and ice cream social on the final sales day of 2025, October 4. This will be only one of many parties to come in 2025!
The last Member Event of the year takes place on the final onsite sales day of the season. After Member Early Shopping on the Sales Terrace from 9-10 am, there will be a Zoom presentation covering the sad year of COVID when the garden withstood the absence of an audience, as well as the heat dome and smoke events of 2021. The 50th celebration of the founding of the collection happened anyway, and plans for the grand entry and driveway reorganization were realized. After the presentation, Linda will treat those attending to cake and ice cream under the Beech Tree.
Registration will be open at a later date. A Zoom link will be sent out prior to the meeting.
Linda will be presenting various methods of propagating clematis.
Learn how to create beauty in your garden and bring it indoors. In the first class in this series you’ll learn when, where, and what to plant. Planting lists and ideas provided. A second class later in the season covers how to harvest your blooms and arrange them like an expert.
Instructor: Whitman
Class limit 12, minimum 6. Registration closes March 19.
We will be selling plants at this event! Doors open at 12:30p.m. Check out the Plant Nerd Afternoon’s website for more information and details.
Our curator, Linda Beutler, will be making a presentation on “Why Public Garden, and why Clematis?” The location will be announced at a later date.
This is a free webinar from the International Clematis Society (I.Cl.S) open to the public.
Our curator, Linda Beutler, together with Ken Black from the UK, will show you how to select a healthy specimen and find a good place for it in your garden, and more…
Examples of what will be covered:
how and when to plant
siting clematis in the garden
Zoom link: https://swarthmore.zoom.us/j/81868160277
The span of Valentine's Day to St. Patrick's Day is the sweet spot for pruning large-flowered hybrid clematis. You will have hands-on training in hard pruning, grooming, and tidying techniques for maximizing spring and summer bloom. Information coincides with the On Pruning Clematis handout. Bring your favorite light-duty hand pruners; all other materials provided. Dress for the weather.This is an outdoor class. Age 18+
Instructors: Beutler/Toler
$25 for general public, $10 for FRCC members, free for FRCC Patron and Duchess of Waverly members
Class limit 12, minimum 6. Registration closes February 19.
FRCC Patron and Duchess of Waverly members register here.
In 2025 we celebrate the 20th anniversary of breaking ground at the Rogerson Clematis Garden.
Our Quarterly Member Events for 2025, presented by FRCC curator Linda Beutler, follow the development of the garden, ending with a cake and ice cream social on the final sales day of 2025, October 4. This will be only one of many parties to come in 2025!
The first Member Event begins with “Into Safe Hands: The Beginnings 2005-2007”, followed by a second presentation, “Clematis in New Zealand”, chronicling the native clematis Linda saw on her trip to New Zealand in November 2024, as well as the many cultivars seen in public and private gardens.
A Zoom link will be sent prior to the event.
This webinar, presented by the International Clematis Society is open to the public. Mike Miller will discuss the following:
how to identify viable clematis seed;
different methods of sowing the seed (peeling vs. not peeling, cold stratification requirements, etc.);
growing on the germinated seed to maturity;
results from species seed vs. hybrids; and
the International Clematis Society’s Seed Exchange Program.
This presentation will be followed by a panel discussion on 'Getting Clematis to Rebloom’, featuring Deborah Hardwick, Fiona Woolfenden and own very own Susan Toler.
Troughs are great for growing alpine, miniature, and high alkaline soil-loving plants in sun or shade. Learn the why and how of making troughs and leave with a new trough ready for you to unmold and finish at home, with all materials provided.
Instructor: Beutler/Toler
Not a member? Join here for more member benefits!
Please join us for our annual membership meeting and election of new Board members.
We have invited Valarie Rundquist, Senior Program Officer of Endowment Partners of the Oregon Community Foundation (OCF) to speak to us about the FRCC endowment and how the OCF helps us to build a strong future for FRCC and the RCG. Linda Beutler will also be showing slides from her trip to the Loire Valley in France this year with the International Clematis Society (ICLS). You will hear from Board leaders and committees, elect new Board members, and help us celebrate the 2024 FRCC Volunteer of the Year, Diana Breen.
Details of the open Board positons are in the October enewsletter.
Please consider serving on a committee or on the FRCC Board of Directors to help develop a new strategic plan and create a clear path into the future. Thank you for every minute and every dollar you spend supporting the Rogerson Clematis Garden and Collection.
Learn techniques for saving and harvesting clematis seed, how to clean, store and start them, and which species need soaking or a false period of cold to germinate. All materials and seeds are provided, and you'll leave with seeds started and surplus seeds to grow on your own.
Instructor: Beutler/Toler
Patron and Duchess of Waverly members,
Not a member?
This event begins with a walk-about, celebrating the late and reblooming elder statesmen clematis in the garden. But this time we will walk slowly and develop an autumn/winter “to-do” list. Attendees will join in an assessment of the year’s successes, failures, what to correct, what to divide or transplant (and when), what to prune immediately and what should wait, and to think about container placement. As RCG tasks are evaluated, this is a chance for members to ponder what needs doing in their own gardens and make a schedule of their own.
Members may bring one guest at a cost of $5. This fee will be deducted from the guest's membership should they join at the event.
Learn how to equip your garden with color throughout the seasons – yes, even winter! We will review gardens in all seasons and how to keep it interesting whatever the weather. Plant lists for specific uses and challenges will be presented and discussed. Class will be held in the Bunkhouse.
Instructor: Kathy Whitman
$25 for general public, $10 for FRCC members, free for Patron and Duchess members
Class limit 10. Registration closes October 10.
Patron and Duchess of Waverly members, REGISTER HERE.
Not a member? Join here for more member benefits!
Shop at the Terrace in our garden for the latest plants we have in stock or pick up plants that were ordered online. This is the last day for onsite sales and online pick-up! Visit our Clematis Sales page.
We will look at 2024's peak bloom that occurred in early July, featuring our oldest clematis from the original 2004 inventory. I will then repeat a Founder's Garden presentation originally given pre-COVID as an in-person event that was not recorded, and now will be. There will be a break at around 10:30am. A Zoom link will be emailed to you prior to the event.
On a walk through the garden learn what, when, and how to prune your clematis for fall blooms. Attendees discover how to make their clematis into multi-season performers!
Instructors: Beutler/Toler
$25 for general public, $10 for FRCC members, free to Patron and Duchess of Waverly members
Registration for this class is CLOSED.
Featuring the best clematis for containers and small gardens!
Friday, June 28 & Saturday, June 29
Visit the Inviting Vines webpage for more details and updates!
This class focuses on how and when to cut, condition, and arrange blooms and greens from your garden. Basic principles of floral design will be taught and handouts will be provided. Attendees please bring a bud vase and clippers to create your own arrangement. Part 1 is not required as a prerequisite.
Instructor: Whitman
Learn how to inexpensively increase your quantities of the “Queen of the Vines” by cuttings and divisions in the beautiful Rogerson Clematis Garden. All materials provided. Meet at the RCG greenhouse at Luscher Farm.
Instructors: Beutler/Toler
Did you know there are over three dozen heirloom roses in the Rogerson Clematis Garden (RCG)? How are they different from modern roses, and how do you prune them? Join clematis curator and rose researcher Linda Beutler for an illustrated presentation followed by a tour of the "OGRs" in the Heirloom Garden within the RCG. Prepare for a feast for the senses.
Instructors: Beutler/Toler
How to purchase, where and how to plant, when and with what to fertilize, and how to prune clematis are covered in this class. There will be demonstrations on planting and pruning, and time for questions and answers. Information coincides with the First Steps with Clematis info sheet under Clematis Care. Shopping opportunities available after class.
Instructor: Beutler/Toler
Visit us at our booth at the Spring Garden Fair at the Canby Fairgrounds. For more details, visit the Spring Garden Fair website.
We will be selling plants at the Canby Spring Garden Fair at the Canby Fairgrounds. Visit the Spring Garden Fair website for more details.