Collector's Corner Sales
Updated December 23, 2024
Select your clematis from the list below and send your order to Include your name, phone number, name(s) of the clematis you’d like to buy, quantity of each, and the date you will pick up your order (Mon/Wed/Fri, 10am-2pm). We will respond within 12 hours by email confirming availability and sending an invoice for online payment. After receiving payment confirmation, we will send pick-up instructions.
Prices are $45 for a fully-rooted, 1-gallon specimen, and $55 for clematis in 2-gallon pots.
We do not ship plants.
ONSITE clematis sales resume in April 2025.
Visit CLEMATIS CARE for information sheets on planting and pruning clematis.
We are delighted to report that our introductions Clematis ‘Sixten Widberg’ and C. ‘Twist and Shout’ are now available through Brushwood Nursery. They are also offering ‘Duchess of Waverly’. If they are currently out of stock, add them to your wishlist there for future notification.
Available While in Bloom, winter 2024/25
Clematis florida var. flore-pleno ‘Plena’
This variant of Clematis florida is in many ways more durable than its fragile but flashy kissing cousin C. florida var. florida ‘Seiboldiana’. The blooms will be entirely green when the weather is cold, creamy green in a warm spring, and summer flowers are more white. It is always double, so it doesn’t matter when or how hard you prune it. It may be grown in partial shade or full sun with shaded roots. We have six 1-gallon plants available as of December 23, 2024.