

A great way to learn about clematis!

Planting clematis in the Modern Garden

in the garden

  • Prune, plant, deadhead, harvest seeds

  • Weed and water garden beds

  • Lead tours of the garden

in the greenhouse

  • Groom clematis, water plants, maintain tools

  • Clean and sort clematis seed

at plant sales

  • Sell clematis and merchandise

  • Recruit members and volunteers

other opportunities

  • Serve on the Board

  • Serve on a committee

  • Assist with or lead classes

  • Assist at special events

  • Assist with fund development

  • Apply for grants

  • Write for the newsletter

at frccvolunteer@gmail.com and let us know how you’d like to help!

Volunteers have fun!

Volunteers have fun!

Raking and weeding

Raking and weeding on a lovely autumn day